Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is it Wednesday Yet?

Full disclosure: it's been a bad string of days for me. Last Wednesday was my last excellent day, and it's all gone downhill from there. I won't bore you with the grisly details, but that's mainly because I don't want to see the grisly details in writing!

Yesterday was so-so. I didn't track everything at the end of the day, but I think I stayed just barely within my limits, or just over. Today was looking good until I was blindsided by goodies at work. Cookies galore! Chocolate chip (from my mother in law), peanut butter, snickerdoodle....yum. Naturally, I've been indulging. The weather is blah, I'm exhausted, feeling down, and I've been attempting to fix it with cookies. It's not working. Go figure. Now I'm feeling more exhausted, more down, AND I'm sugar-crashing on top of it all.

Is it Wednesday yet? I need a new start and a hug. I'll leave you with a less-than-professional (read: taken by my iPod) look at the goodies directly behind my desk. Happy Tuesday?

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